Hey everyone!
I am very excited to share our first Video Blog post. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been playing with our new GoPro, shooting videos of friends and family. We wanted to practice editing videos before we left, so our introductory post is filled with all the fun things we’ve been doing our last few weeks in the States. Also, we are both new to the video-bogging world so bear with us as we figure out proper camera angles!
I’ve attached the video to this blog-post but I recommend opening it on Youtube for better quality.
With that being said, I’m also excited to say that Mark has landed safely in Sevilla and is exploring the city! I will be leaving in 9 days to attend a conference in Barcelona with my program. Shortly after, I will be meeting up with Mark in Sevilla for a few days before heading off to meet my host-family! We’re both very excited for this opportunity and new adventure.
Stay tuned for posts about packing, Sevilla and Barcelona! We hope you enjoy our first post!!