Hey everyone! Last Sunday, Mark and I were able to take a day trip to meet up in the beautiful city of Jerez. We were lucky enough to have perfect, sunny weather and spent most of our day exploring and eating tapas!
Jerez is a popular city in the province of Cadiz that is known for flamenco and sherry wine. Although we were unable to see a flamenco show, we were sure to try the wine!! Personally, this was not my favorite Spanish drink (since it has a strong oak aftertaste) but it’s worth trying at least once if you are in the city.

We were also able to visit the Cathedral of San Salvador which can be found near the center of Jerez. Since we visited Jerez on a Sunday we were able to sneak inside the beautiful Cathedral when mass was over to check it out!

One of my favorite parts of the day was all the good food we were able to try! A colleague of mine recommended going to El Gallo Azul (a famous restaurant/tapas bar in the center of Jerez). We were able to get a nice table outside and tried a few new things! Mark and I both had the best patatas aioli we have ever had (which is a dish similar to the potato salad we eat in the US)! Mark also tried some tortilla with shrimp, and we shared some sweet goat cheese melted on bread as well!

We made a short video blog to highlight our day trip and to share the beautiful city of Jerez with you all! Although I must admit that the sherry wine got the best of us while filming our video blog, we had fun & that’s all that matters! Although it should be noted that I call the wine “Manzanilla” but that is actually the name of the wine from a nearby city, Sanlucar de Barrameda. Jerez is famous for sherry wine! (Just wanted to clarify that!)
Mark and I will be traveling to Paris this weekend so stay tuned for more posts and videos!
Much love, Amanda