Change of Scenery

Hello everyone! I know that it’s been a long time since we’ve written a blog but things have been very hectic for us lately. Let me explain… At the end of January, I left my job in Algeciras and accepted a position in Alcalá de Guadaíra at the school Mark teaches at. Mark’s roommate decided […]

Adjusting to Living Abroad

Hi everyone! I want to take some time to share my thoughts on what it is really like moving to a new country (here’s a hint: it’s not easy).  There is a big difference between traveling abroad and living abroad. When you travel, you have only a brief moment in time to experience a place—the food, […]

Packing for Life Abroad

Hey everyone! It turns out that packing for a 9 month stay in a foreign country can turn out to be a pretty daunting task. An empty suitcase does not look very frightening by itself, but once you start piling in the clothes, toiletries, and whatever else you decided to bring, it can get a […]